Streamer's job is to interact in live calls with users looking for entertainment and company. Therefore, Streamers must have positive characteristics to please the customer and provide good service. Giving the agency a good image and generating income from the comfort of their homes.
It is because of the ease of this job that the number of girls applying to be recruited is increasing. There are different ways to join the app , normally the agencies are in charge of making campaigns through social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok. Showing the money that their work generates and leaving in evidence as a testimony of each one that working in the apps is a really paid job.
Requirements to be a streamer
Streamers agencies recruit any girl who fills the requested characteristics:
- Good looking : well-groomed, well-groomed girls who are pleasant at first glance and have good images to post on their agency profile. This does not discriminate ethnic groups or skin colors. On the contrary, agencies seek to recruit non-variety girls in order to gain more followers in their agency.
- Cordial treatment : as in all work, the employer will ask the workers for a humor appropriate to the circumstance that arises. In this case, the hostesses are asked to be effusive in their greetings, pleasant, interested in starting a pleasant chat with the user so that they consume their content and generate more profits.
- Time in the app : the hostess's income will depend on the working time she gives to the app or the performance she has in the video call. The agency will only be in charge of advising and monitoring performance.
In the event that the income that the hostess generates weekly is not enough, the agency will have the option of removing it from circulation or replacing it if it sees that it is not connected to the app for the hours necessary to work properly.
Where to join the Streamer world?
If you have these characteristics and do not have an Agency , the option to join the Streamer world is through the following links:
Chamet App:
Honey Cam app:
Poppo Live app:
These are some of the options that you have at your disposal to start your journey in the Streamer world. You just have to follow the instructions to register in the app and start generating income.