Frequently Asked Questions What is Random Match in Chamet?

Answers to all frequently asked questions about the Streamer App and Host Agencies for Streamer.

Random Match is the functionality that allows us to meet and receive calls from random users . Have the most of fun meeting new people in 1 on 1 video calls .

Random Match is a FREE Feature for most users that the App uses as a strategy to get them to buy Beans and then call the Streamers, sometimes the App GIVES them 300 beans but not always. Many of the calls you make on Random Match are Free, with courtesy .

The suggested Strategy with RANDOM MATCH is to make friends, make followers, answer the call and invite them to follow them so that later it is the users who call them, being very happy and affectionate in less than 1 minute. Then if the user wants to call them, you go to LIVE and from there the user will be able to call them and they will earn minute by minute according to the established price.

What is Random Match in Chamet